Global Aid Foundation, allocates aid for the distribution of rice.
Global Aid Foundation
allocates aid for the distribution of medicines and health care.
Rice distribution in the town of Meme.
Someone might ask why this project. But in an attempt to answer this crucial question, let me answer your question with an alarming statistic on Hunger
declared by the ONU.
Hunger statistics
More than 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead an active and healthy life. That's about one in every nine people on earth. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest prevalence (percentage of population) of hunger.
One person in four is malnourished. Poor nutrition causes almost half (45%) of deaths in children under five years of age: 3.1 million children each year. 66 million primary school-aged children attend school hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone.
What is hunger?
Acute hunger or starvation is often highlighted on television screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-stricken Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters that airlift high-energy cookies to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan. The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities.
A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take the initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study. Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of proper nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and become too weak to fight off illnesses and may die from common infections such as measles and diarrhea.
Every year, almost seven million children die before reaching the age of five; Malnutrition is a key factor in more than a third of these deaths.